
Hi there! Welcome to The MoMillennial Pinay’s Blog!

This is a personal blog dedicated to all the beautiful women who can relate to the life of being a Filipina, a Millennial and a Mother. Furthermore, this blog has the aim to:

1.) Collate fun and helpful topics, FAQs, references, resources, and recommendations about motherhood and the millennial Pinay life in general – all in a concise and organized list, through the offline and online collaboration of fellow Pinay Millennial moms. 

2.) Share my personal thoughts, learning and unlearning experiences of finding balance between the multiple roles of being a Millennial, a Work-At-Home Mom, a wife, and a purpose-driven Filipina woman. 

3.) Hopefully, aid in realizing my vision of a more up-skilled, financially-able and smart-working generation of Filipinos and Pinay mommies – all gained at the comfort of their home – where their family is. 

May you find this blog useful and helpful. 


The MoMillennial Pinay

About the Author

Hayeen Palencia-Morales is a quintessential millennial, an ERP Software Consultant by profession, an aspiring entrepreneur, an unleashed creative and a work-at-home mom who always strive to do it all. She is a woman with a vision of a more up-skilled, financially-free, and smart-working generation of Filipinos, especially Pinay Mommies. Nocturnal. Fond of felines. Child of the sea. Adores Chris Martin and John Mayer. Likes food hot and spicy. Still dreams of street-painting in Melbourne. 

For collabs and advertisements, please email hayeenrmorales@gmail.com